Electronic Locks and Access Control

Give yourself and your loved ones security at its best

Solutions with electronic access control to premises are innovative solutions that do not disappoint. A good monitoring system will make you breathe a sigh of relief. In part, the ... More

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Door Handle with Access Control, left
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Proximity card QR for dormakaba K6 Door Handle
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Description - Electronic Locks and Access Control

Give yourself and your loved ones security at its best

Solutions with electronic access control to premises are innovative solutions that do not disappoint. A good monitoring system will make you breathe a sigh of relief. In part, the very sight of the cameras helps deter a potential thief, but this does not always prove to be enough. If an unpleasant situation such as a burglary occurs, the system will alert you at just the right moment, which will avoid a tragedy. Additional CCTV security will allow you to get into possession of evidence that can help find the perpetrator.

What makes up electronic access control?

Electric combination locks, code locks and those unlocked by cards, key fobs or wristbands are responsible for electronic access control. Electronic locks are a convenient way to lock the door and more conveniently control what happens in our home when we are away. Mechatronic cylinders, digital cylinders, electronic door handles opened by proximity or pinpad keypad instead of classic keys. There are are other ways to secure our doors that you open with a smartphone or Bluetooth. They will prove phenomenal in office spaces, hotels and other facilities focusing their activities on short-term rentals. Controllers that work with electric door openers and jumpers are also part of the system with access only for desired persons. Some controllers are equipped with fingerprint readers and will be suitable for use in employee washrooms, laboratories and public institutions, for example. Choose the option that will meet all your needs.

Electronic locks are tailored to various facilities

For the most part, we offer offline type solutions, which are battery-powered and work regardless of whether there is a power outage in the building. Such electronic locks will find their use both in apartments, single-family houses, blocks of apartments, but also in buildings of large corporations, office buildings and hotels. Products from Winkhaus, Wilka, Dormakaba, DOM, Yale, NotiOne are at your fingertips. Special GPS locators are a novelty. How do they work? Click and see for yourself.